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Prerequisites and Installation

We assume Earth Engine Python API is installed and EE initialized as desribed here. From v0.3.4 onwards geeup will only run on Python 3. Also with the new changes to the Earth Engine API library, the tool was completely modified to work with earthengine-api v0.1.127 and higher. Authenticate your earth engine client by using the following in your command line or terminal setup.

earthengine authenticate

Quick installation

pip install geeup

pip install geeup --user

To get always fresh install using GitHub (This could be a staging version and will include a pop up on top to remind you of that)

pip install git+

The advantage of having it installed is being able to execute geeup as any command line tool. I recommend installation within virtual environment.

Last update: 2023-09-28
Created: 2021-04-11